Sunday, March 4, 2012

I've done it!

What a journey this has been! The culmination of two years is almost upon me! Though there have been many downs over the trip, the ups have made up for them tenfold! I am so excited about the upcoming week and all it represents in my life. I have learned many things along the way that will help my future writing endeavors.

I developed my love of writing in the seventh grade when I entered my first contest. It is a book that I still have in my possession today, some cough, cough, thirty-years later! Through the years, as often happens, I focused on other endeavors such as raising my three wonderful children. Needless to say, my writing got put on the rear burner. I would randomly pull out the typewriter (yep, you read that right), and peck out ideas here and there, but something always seemed to come up. Now that my children are grown or almost grown (22, 18, and 14 years old), I am finally taking the time to achieve my dream!

And now, I must write a blurb, the final thing on my check list for this project!

Stay tuned for updates on the release of my Romantic Suspense!
Check back often.

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